
A field in biochemistry and cell biology that concerns the flow of energy through living systems. Looking at health through this lens offers a more complete understanding of disease and how to overcome and optimize your overall wellbeing. 


A form of medicine concerned with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Modern sports chiropractic combines the best treatment practices in chiropractic, myofascial therapies, and rehabilitative exercise used to naturally overcome pain and injury. 

Dr. Jon Denning, DC

"Using a comprehensive functional medicine approach, my treatment intervention blends modern sports chiropractic therapies with a bioenergetic perspective that aims at maximizing cellular energy and metabolism to help you recover from injury, heal chronic pain, and reverse chronic health conditions. I seek to identify and treat the true cause of your issues, not just symptoms, by evaluating both physical and physiological aspects of your health."

Meet the Doctor

Office Visits

Any combination of the following therapies may be performed as part of your visit. Some visits are more chiropractic and manual therapy focused, while others may involve more functional medicine or nutritional intervention.
Sports Chiropractic

Sports Chiropractic

Dry Needling

Dry Needling

Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release

Class IV Infrared Laser

Class IV Infrared Laser

Lab Testing

Lab Testing

Bioenergetic Nutrition

Bioenergetic Nutrition

New Client Visit

Reserved for 60 minutes. I take a deep dive into your complaint in order to form a successful treatment plan. We generally spend 20 minutes of our time discussing the details of your case, 20 minutes on a thorough physical exam, and 20 minutes for treatment. We also discuss if blood, mineral, or hormone analysis is warranted or desired for your case. Online appointment options are also available for those who cannot make it into the office. 

Schedule New Client Visit

Functional Medicine Report of Findings

After any potential lab analysis is complete, a 60 minute Report of Findings follow up will be scheduled to discuss your results. Based on this information, we talk about how these results effect your condition and possible treatment solutions. Everyone's situation is unique and different, so we work together to find the most optimal solutions for you and your lifestyle. 

Office Visit

My standard follow up appointment length for most of my clients is about 30 minutes. I am often able to address multiple complaints or deep dive into one complex complaint using multiple treatment modalities. Chiropractic, dry needling, soft tissue therapies, infrared laser, and corrective exercise are all offered as part of the visit. We may also discuss functional medicine and bioenergetic principles that directly pertain to resolving your condition.

Schedule Office Visit

Am I the right doctor for you?

If you answer yes to these questions, the answer may be yes.

  • Are you tired of healthcare providers not listening or spending enough time with you?
  • Are you looking for a provider who sees you as a whole person, and not just the sum of parts? 
  • Have you seen one or more healthcare providers who have not been able to help?
  • Do you feel a lack of confidence in the current medical system's ability to help you overcome your health issues? 
  • Are you unsure of prescription drugs, harmful diet trends, and excessive supplementation?


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Pricing and Fees

In an era of overpriced and complicated healthcare billing, I value keeping my fees transparrent and affordable.

Pricing & Fees