About Me
Dr. Jon Denning, DC
I have been practicing chiropractic for more than 10 years now seeing clients in both Denver, CO and Bozeman, MT. Being a former strength sports athlete and coach, the early part of my career focused primarily on injury rehabilitation and sports specific therapies. During that time I created an amazing business in the north suburbs of Denver, CO. This business provided sports therapies like dry needling and myofascial release combined with an emphasis on biomechanical principles and pain classification. It was all blended with modern chiropractic care and was a breath of fresh air for those wanting more from their chiropractic or physical therapy experience.
Life in Montana brought a slow period in my chiropractic life as my family's focus shifted to advancing my wife's career. Being a former small business owner for so long made this time extra difficult, but it allowed me to take a step back and re-evaluate how I could maximize my skillset in order to help more people. Through some of my own health issues, I was introduced to bioenergetic concepts as they relate to metabolism and chronic disease. For years I was plagued with symptoms like high blood pressure, anxiety, brain fog, chronic pain, acne, irritability, body odor, excessive sweating, blood sugar problems, involuntary muscle twitches, and a worn out feeling from constantly running on stress. Every time I sought help from a medical provider, I was met with ineffective interventions and a feeling of hopelessness that nobody could ever help me. But after applying these bioenergetic principles to my life, I'm happy to say that every single one of my unpleasant health symptoms have completely resolved and have been replaced with a euphoric feeling of life free of disease and chronic pain.
As of 2025, I have returned to practice in Westminster, CO with a focus on building back the same sports chiropractic clinic I once had, but with a broader focus that uses comprehensive functional medicine interventions built on a bioenergetic framework. I still strive to provide the absolute best in conservative musculoskeletal medicine and most of my appointments look similar to what I've always provided - a thoughtful approach to resolve your pain or injury using the most modern therapies offered in chiropractic and physical therapy. What differs this time around is that I also provide insight to tie together your physical pain with potential chronic disease states. So many of my clients seeking help with their pain or injury may also have issues with their digestion, blood sugar, stress, immune function, mental health, metabolism, hormones, etc. My goal is to connect all of these issues together to form a plan that positively and dramatically shifts your overall wellbeing and quality of life.
I do not advocate for drugs or pharmaceuticals. I do not believe in expensive or ineffective interventions. I do not think your condition should be blamed on genetics or your own shortcomings. I believe your body, with the right input of nutrients and a stimulating environment, can naturally overcome pain, injury, and the diseases that plague our society. Our world needs better alternatives to modern medicine when it comes to chronic disease and chronic pain and I aim to provide just that.
-Dr. Jon
Credentials & Certifications
- Doctor of Chiropractic | Cleveland Chiropractic College
- Bachelor of Science in Sports Science | University of Kansas
- NSCA Certified Personal Trainer
- USAW Sports Performance Coach
- Integrative Neurologic Dry Needling
- Kinetacore Funtional Dry Needling
- Functional Movement Systems (FMS)
- Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA)
- Active Release Techniques (ART)
- Functional and Kinetic Treatment with Rehab (FAKTR)
- Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS)
- McKenzie (MDT)
- Motion Palpation Institute Certified (MPI)
- Neurodynamic Solutions (NDS)
- Fascial Manipulation