A Fresh Perspective on Health

A bioenergetic approach aims to maximize cellular energy with strategies that promote energy production and oppose physiologic stress. Chronic pain, injury, and many other symptoms can be caused by what we now identify as a low energy state. This low energy state is seen when the amount of energy produced at the cellular level is not supportive to the optimal functioning of the body. An abundance of energy is necessary for proper cell repair, opposition of stress, optimal hormone function, and a relaxed and ready resting state of the cell. 

Many people seek out a chiropractor when dealing with musculoskeletal pain or injury. A modern chiropractic treatment can work wonders for this type of person, but there are many who do not respond as favorably to these methods. A bioenergetic approach might view this nonresponsive client as suffering from a low energy state. In addition to pain or injury, a myriad of seemingly unrelated symptoms are also present. Those symptoms may include irritability, fatigue, gut issues, brain fog, mood disorders, anxiety, weight gain, poor sleep, excessive sweating, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol. 

A bioenergetic approach accounts for all of these symptoms and formulates treatment strategies based on the wholeness of the client and their circumstances. Emphasis is placed on using objective lab data, an extensive health history, and understanding the environmental factors affecting the overall energy state and metabolic rate of the client. 
